Lions Den


As a Mentor & Life Coach, I support you in changing your heart, mind, and ultimately your life through shifting your perspective, learning love, and overcoming/understanding your counterfeit identity so you can understand, love, and become your true identity.


Once you change the way you see, then you will see the way to change.

To have a change of heart we first must change our perspectives.


To be truly loving is to love empathetically and without expectation.

Imagine a love without criticisms, contempt, and defensiveness; THAT is a love that is free and a love that will heal.


Identity is crucial to becoming your best self and becoming that version of yourself you were always meant to be.

We must discover and embrace our higher self and overcome our counterfeit self through awareness and accountability.


#1 You are not who you think you are!

I can help you see yourself and those around you clearly.

When you see clearly, you can see where you are headed and decide your destination.

Who do you want to be and where do you want to go?

#2 Being ONLY loving changes EVERYTHING!

No one is as loving as they think they are. We all think we are good husbands, wives, daughters, sons, friends, etc. but the truth is none of us are as good as we think we are. I will open your eyes to see what being truly loving really looks like and in turn you really will become the best spouse, son/daughter, sister/brother, and friend.

Are you ready to change and impact everyone around you in the process?

#3 Endure each and every day pushing against the counterfeit version of yourself.

After you break the chains of that counterfeit version of yourself you must continue to push against the temptation to slip back into your old habits and ways of living and loving. You must continually overcome so that you can become!

Which version of yourself is pushing harder?